'Bee' prepared for your own encounter with a tired bee
How to Save the bees

Bee species are in decline
🐝 35 bee species are under threat of extinction.
🐝 Since the 1930s the UK has lost 97% of its wildflower meadows.
🐝 A bee’s main food source is flowers.
🐝 Flowers provide bees with pollen and nectar.
🐝 Bees consume nectar as a source of energy.
🐝 Bees can become exhausted before reaching their next flower.
🐝 A stranded bee on the floor may be too tired to fly.
🐝 Our bee revival kit contains bee food syrup to save a tired bee
🐝 Visit our blog for a guide on helping tired bees.
We create unique, bee-friendly products that make perfect gifts, including our innovative Bee Revival Kit for rescuing tired bees and a DIY Bee Hotel Kit to create a safe space for solitary bees. All Beevive products are thoughtfully designed, and hand-assembled in our buzzing studio in Devon, UK.