We were thrilled to announce our collaboration with My Square Metre in celebration of World Bee Day on May 20, 2024.
For every bee revival kit we sold during the week of World Bee Day, Beevive planted 10 wildflowers with My Square Metre - enough to feed a bee for its entire life. During our partnership, we planted 1470 native UK wildflowers!
Who is My Square Metre?
My Square Metre plants wildflowers to provide food and habitat for bees and other wildlife, boost biodiversity and soil health, offset carbon emissions and more. My Square Metre only plants on Grade 3 or 4 land or brownfield sites that would be unsuitable for farming crops - wildflowers love poor-quality soil and thrive in it. Once they plant wildflowers, the land is protected for 30 years - after this time the land will be a fully autonomous wildflower meadow.
My Square Metre partners with businesses that want to offset the carbon footprint of their business activities and support our essential pollinators at the same time. Founded in 2021, My Square Metre has now planted 1 million wildflowers over 2159 square metres and helped businesses of all sizes become more eco-friendly and sustainable.
Why Plant Wildflower Meadows?
Since the 1940s, The UK has lost 97% of its meadowlands, areas that were once rich in biodiversity and supported the life of countless insects, animals and birds, all of which are important to the ecosystem and our food chain. Bees and other pollinators are responsible for one out of three bites of food we eat, and their important work in the USA is valued at $200 billion every year.
While honey bees do essential pollination work, wild bees such as bumblebees are responsible for pollinating many of our most valuable food crops. This is for many reasons - they visit a wider range of flowers, and they have a longer proboscis that can feed on deeper, tube-shaped flowers. Wildflowers help support the population of the UK’s wild bees and other pollinators, ensuring a rich ecosystem that supports all life on earth.
My Square Metre founder Ed Crowther says:
“We have loved working with Beevive, their bee revival kits really do save Bees lives. It would sell because they save them, then My Square Metre gives them a place to live it’s a Beeautiful partnership”
To find out more about My Square Metre and how you can get involved with wildflower planting, go to https://www.mysquaremetre.co.uk/.