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Smart Workspaces Inspired by Our Buzzing Friends

Find out how MD Services partnered with us at Beevive for the second year in a row to create more or our bespoke bee-saving products for Cisco Spaces.

Learning from Nature for Design Solutions

What is biomimicry?

Biomimicry is how we can learn and mimic the strategies found in nature to overcome our own challenges. The Mantis Shrimp for example, is teaching us humans how to make more durable building materials like roads. (And even futuristic 'self-growing' roads!) Corals are paving the way for better textile dyes and colours for more sustainable clothing.

We can learn from our bees too (no surprise there!)

Our friends at MD Services reached out to us at Beevive again as they are continuing to support Cisco Spaces in their mission to solve design solutions with biomimicry.

Like our hard-working bees, Cisco makes light work of monitoring and maintaining a healthy environment like the art of the beehive.

Cisco Spaces

We found out how important a healthy environment really is since...

  1. 68% of employees do not feel safe in their employer's buildings.
  2. 85% of employees would like to know the air quality in the building they work in.
  3. 96% of employees said they need intelligent workplace technology to improve their work environments.

We were buzzing to create a bespoke version of our bee hotels!

Bespoke Bee-Hotels

Cisco's annual corporate event was held in the Netherlands for 2023.

cisco small spaces twitter frame

They partnered with us for the second year in a row to create mini-Cisco bee hotels. We created 500 of these bee hotels as DIY kits, which each had its own customised Cisco logo.

cisco spaces bee hotel from beeviveCisco Spaces bee hotel from Beevive

cisco spaces cisco liveCISCO SPACES - CISCO Live!

The Cisco bee hotels were sourced from FSC-certified wood and made by hand, with our replaceable nesting tubes to keep our bees healthy and free from diseases.

Every Cisco bee hotel kit allowed everyone at the event to assemble the hotels themselves and appreciate what we can learn from bees who innately maintain their homes well.

They even had a bee dance squad at the event too!

bee hotels made for cisco spaces event and personalised
procedimus una bee hotels made for cisco spaces event

The Keyrings that Broke Las Vegas

Let's not forget 2022 in the US!

Back in 2022, our Beevive products made it large-scale to the US for a Cisco event too.

We created 3000 keyrings in total!

Every keyring matched their company colours, complete with flyers and a QR code to get everyone to bee a part of our bee personality quiz.

Saving the Bees

We know that we need bees.

They shoulder the weight of pollinating 80% of our flowing plants. That would be £1.8 billion/per year if we attempted their job ourselves!

But we don't only rely on them for food as they are helping many people better understand safer and better spaces for businesses.

Thanks to Cisco again for partnering with us!

Want to know how you can save our bees?

Check out the rest of our bee-tastic blog for more information or email our co-founder, Faye to discuss your next personalised project collaboration.

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