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Bee Blog

a bee elegantly flying towards a stunning purple flower

John Lewis x Beevive

We are excited to announce that our iconic Bee Revival Kits are now stocked by John Lewis! Read on to find out more and celebrate with us We are Taking...

John Lewis x Beevive

We are excited to announce that our iconic Bee Revival Kits are now stocked by John Lewis! Read on to find out more and celebrate with us We are Taking...

8 Inspirational Quotes to Save Our Natural World

8 Inspirational Quotes to Save Our Natural World

Sometimes, we all need a little inspiration. That's why we have gathered some of our favourite quotes from wildlife experts to encourage you with your influential part in saving our...

8 Inspirational Quotes to Save Our Natural World

Sometimes, we all need a little inspiration. That's why we have gathered some of our favourite quotes from wildlife experts to encourage you with your influential part in saving our...

What is a Bee Revival Kit?

What is a Bee Revival Kit?

Even if you are new to Beevive, it's not a secret our UK bees are in trouble. With 97% of wildflower meadows gone since the 1930s, we need to look...

What is a Bee Revival Kit?

Even if you are new to Beevive, it's not a secret our UK bees are in trouble. With 97% of wildflower meadows gone since the 1930s, we need to look...

Bee ID - The Early Bumblebee

Bee ID - The Early Bumblebee

Your Favourite Bee of the Bunch Did you know that the early bumblebee is one of the smallest and prettiest bees? It’s no wonder why the early bumblebee is one...

Bee ID - The Early Bumblebee

Your Favourite Bee of the Bunch Did you know that the early bumblebee is one of the smallest and prettiest bees? It’s no wonder why the early bumblebee is one...

Bee-friendly Events in Devon with Bee Expert Jean Vernon

Bee-friendly Events in Devon with Bee Expert Jean Vernon

We are buzzing to share our friend Jean Vernon's upcoming Spring events local to us, in Devon! Jean is passionate about championing bees and pollinators and wildlife of all sorts. Fascinated...

Bee-friendly Events in Devon with Bee Expert Jean Vernon

We are buzzing to share our friend Jean Vernon's upcoming Spring events local to us, in Devon! Jean is passionate about championing bees and pollinators and wildlife of all sorts. Fascinated...

top down view of a wedding table setting

The 6 Dos and Don'ts for Your Wedding Favours

With the run-up to Valentine's Day, we thought we would talk all about love! There is always so much to plan for a wedding, which is why we asked our...

The 6 Dos and Don'ts for Your Wedding Favours

With the run-up to Valentine's Day, we thought we would talk all about love! There is always so much to plan for a wedding, which is why we asked our...

Our co-founder Faye stood by beevive prodcuts inside the Natural History Museum's shop

A Year's Reflection: Achievements for 2023

2023 was our year! Here at Beevive, we had so many milestones, so we condensed them into 18 top achievements for our bee-autiful community. Read on to find out more......

A Year's Reflection: Achievements for 2023

2023 was our year! Here at Beevive, we had so many milestones, so we condensed them into 18 top achievements for our bee-autiful community. Read on to find out more......

a stunning close-up of a tawny mining bee on a flower

Tawny Mining Bee

A Very Foxy Bee Did you know that the female tawny mining bees have the same shade of red hair as fox fur? The males have more orange/light brown hair...

Tawny Mining Bee

A Very Foxy Bee Did you know that the female tawny mining bees have the same shade of red hair as fox fur? The males have more orange/light brown hair...

Exeter Living name's our founder, Faye as Queen Bee 2023 Winter edition

Named Queen Bee by Exeter Living Magazine

We are ‘Absolutely buzzing!’ as Beevive made it into December’s issue of Exeter Living magazine this month. Our Co-founder Faye was interviewed and consequently named ‘Queen bee’ in the article...

Named Queen Bee by Exeter Living Magazine

We are ‘Absolutely buzzing!’ as Beevive made it into December’s issue of Exeter Living magazine this month. Our Co-founder Faye was interviewed and consequently named ‘Queen bee’ in the article...

The Red Mason Bee species is known for being an important pollinator and plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems

The Red Mason Bee

These bees love mud pies... Did you know that a female red mason bee takes 20 trips to find mud to build its cell? That's something to watch out for...

The Red Mason Bee

These bees love mud pies... Did you know that a female red mason bee takes 20 trips to find mud to build its cell? That's something to watch out for...